Fast Forward (55th Post)

Dear Reader, before completing the storyline of the previous post, please allow me to fast forward to an event in my future which is relevant to that previous post. Dear Reader, you may have felt puzzlement over Rick’s question and my response. This “fast forward” will delineate the nature of my response. If you become unsettled by this post, stop reading, close your device, settle yourself, and/or utilize your support systems.

Sadly, in the past, and presently a majority of men and some women do not believe gender violence and discrimination resulted in PTSD for the victim. As of 1980 we now know it does. Male predators’ actions and words damage not only a women’s heart and spirit but also damage the functions of her body. 

In 1980, when PTSD was FINALLY acknowledged as a serious reality and therapeutic treatments had been in the process of being created, I self-diagnosed myself with PTSD and sought out therapy. 

In addition to therapy, I attended women’s support groups. The meeting rooms had been bursting with women who had been physically, emotionally, and mentally damaged by toxic male gender violence and discrimination. During the meetings, the women described their symptoms. In their stories, they also discussed the heartaches, heartbreaks, and struggles which had surrounded their symptoms. At my first meeting, I was both horrified and relieved to learn I had not been alone.

As I listened to the details of their stories, I had been stunned to realize the majority of us had serious issues with our menstrual cycles and wombs in general. We all had varying issues and struggles concerning the loss of emotional and physical intimacy. I had heard over and over again women saying they had PTSD as a result of inhuman treatment from toxic men.

With the assistance of PTSD therapy, I worked through the emotional and psychological PTSD symptoms. I recovered my heart, spirit, and body. I completed therapy and no longer attended the support groups. During the healing process, without any medical assistance, one day my menstrual cycle had returned to normal. My cycle never became problematic again. All issues with my womb also had disappeared. I had been relieved and overjoyed to be “normal” again. There was sadness though, as I could have used this VITAL diagnosis and treatment in the 70’s!!! 

Sadly, to this day, there continues to be inadequate law and medical assistance for gender violence and discrimination. Justice is still ignoring the rights of women. Action is desperately needed. Our world must learn how to stop raising men who lack respect and civility toward women. Few out there are brave enough to take on the Patriarchy. 

Men need to learn how to “run like a girl.” For that is what we do every day to save and recover the lives that were taken from us.